Manufacturing Crisis, Manufacturing
P. Schultz
February 15, 2013
“The greatest nation on Earth cannot
keep conducting its business by drifting from one manufactured crisis to the next.” Barack Obama,
State of the Union, 2013
bothered me about this assertion from Obama, our current president, and I was finally
able to realize what it was: This assertion could not be more wrong, both as a
historical fact and as a political fact. That is, not only can a nation, even an allegedly great
nation, move from one manufactured crisis to the next, but the United States,
the allegedly great nation in
question, has done so. In fact, it is plausible to argue that this is a rather
apt and accurate description of our politics.
Richard Nixon declared the “necessity” for a “war on drugs”, there was no “drug
crisis” except of course as he chose to manufacture it. In that year when Nixon
made this declaration of war, more people died falling down stairs in the U.S.
than died of drug abuse, including both legal and illegal drugs. Even today,
the typical drug “abuser” in the U.S. is a person who occasionally uses
marijuana. This is what the typical
drug user looks like. Don’t believe me? Just look at our prison population and
its characteristics.
is no obesity crisis in the U.S. today both because most Americans who are
labeled “obese” by government approved standards are perfectly healthy but also
because the term “obesity” has little, if any, value for assessing a person’s
health. For example, almost every professional football player is “obese,” by
official “standards.” [See the book, The Obesity Myth, especially the first
chapter for an analysis of the foolishness that passes for “science” regarding
human weight.]
wife and I are watching a new show, “The Americans,” which is about two
Russians who have been planted in the U.S. during the cold war, the Reagan
Administration particularly, and acting as typical Americans [two kids and a
house in the suburbs] to spy on the U.S. I have trouble taking it seriously
because it is fair to say that much, if not all, of the “Cold War” was a
manufactured crisis. I mean just re-read John Kennedy’s Inaugural Address and
you will see or hear what I mean. Before he gave that speech, there was no
crisis that required we “pay any price, bear any burden” in confronting the
world. According to Eisenhower, the nation was most in need of “a rest,” of
some “normality,” perhaps even some contentment. But both Nixon and Kennedy ran against this view of the world and the place of the U.S. in it. It
was necessary, both said, for the U.S. “to get moving again.”
move we did. But there never was a
“crisis” in Vietnam or Southeast Asia for that matter, as we can see today as
we buy sneakers manufactured by those dreaded communists in Vietnam. Nor was
“the loss” of China to communists a crisis, as we can see so clearly today as
we deal with those “Reds” on a massive scale. And, needless to say, there never
was a crisis in Cuba as a result of the Castro revolution, except that we
wanted to manufacture one there, one which it is still “necessary” to maintain.
And as almost all know today, there never was a crisis of WMDs in Iraq that
required an invasion of that country. Even the invasion of Afghanistan by the
Soviets was a faux crisis, which we dealt with by arming those who would,
eventually, attack us. And to cap this off, I would say there is no “terrorism
crisis,” which is not to say that there are not “terrorists” we have to or
should “deal with.” But a crisis? I think not.
question then becomes: Why? What purpose or purposes are served by
manufacturing crisis after crisis? Well, it is my opinion that the interests of
the establishment in each political party are well served by such manufactured
crises. Because we must confront one crisis after another, there is no time to
consider real or significant changes in our political world. And this means
that the current power brokers get to keep the power they have accumulated and
for which they have sacrificed any semblance of a normal life. [This phenomenon
is, I suspect, personal as well
political. That is, when these people lose that power they can see just how abnormal their lives are. That is, those
lives no longer make much sense, even to them. Hence, the constant effort to
stay “involved,” ala’ Bill Clinton or Dick Cheney or even George Bush.]
I believe it is widely accepted by psychologists and others who know human
behavior that dysfunctional groups go from crisis to crisis, actually need such
crises in order to continue to hold together. Such groups are like a house of
cards, liable and ready to collapse at any moment. It is crises that hold them
together, especially crises that are deemed to come from the outside, what in politics would be called
foreign enemies. Although as J. Edgar
Hoover knew so well, these “enemies” could come from “within.” [See his book
entitled The Enemy Within.] And so,
we have manufactured enemies, such as communists, drug dealers, illegal
immigrants, obese people, smokers, pedophiles, gun-toting maniacs, uncivilized
youths, drug users, crack addicts, welfare queens, dependent people,
terrorists, Muslims, just to name a few that come readily to mind. I am sure
you can add to the list.
years ago, more years than I care to remember, while teaching my course,
Introduction to American Government, I asked the class to watch the news each
evening and help make a list of the various crises we as a nation or a state
were forced to deal with. We reached a low point when someone pointed out that
there was a crisis involving school nurses in public schools. Apparently, there
were just not enough nurses to go around and so sometimes some schools actually
spent hours without a nurse being available. Of course, no figures were given on
how this affected said schools and their students but I knew from talking to my
then-step-daughter one of those effects. Whenever she was feeling hungry, she
would tell the teacher that she had a stomachache and the teacher would send
her to the school nurse, who would give her some candy. Needless to say, she
felt better after that!
lurch from “crisis” to “crisis” and, as Obama said, these are all manufactured.
What Obama did not talk about was an alternative. And, of course, his very speech
has contributed to the phenomenon as now we can talk about “the manufactured
crisis crisis!” What a country! You gotta love it!