“Sometimes the light’s all shining on me…..” Part 3
P. Schultz
June 12, 2014
The debate
that should take place between “administration” and “community” rarely takes
place and largely because these choices are blurred, even blurred by those who
sense that the argument for “administration” is wanting. Example: Benjamin
Ginsberg, in his book, The American Lie:
Government by the People and Other Political Fables, when he is discussing
those times when “the instrumental character of political issues include some
of the great principles debated during the course of American political history”
describes the debate during the New Deal era as a “debate over government power
versus individualism….” [p. 21]
Now, it
would make a difference, and not a small difference, if that debate in the
1930s was characterized and conducted as one between “government power” and
“community.” Rarely does “government power” subordinate itself to
“individualism,” nor does it seem that it should given that “government power”
claims to be exercised for the sake of society, whereas “individualism” serves
the individual. To favor “individualism” over “government power” would be to
favor the part over the whole, a difficult argument to make, to say the least.
Which should prevail, the government representing society or the individual
representing herself? Not much of a contest, not much of a debate.
But if the
contest is between “administration” and “community,” the desirable outcome is
not so obvious. Who should prevail, those who rule impersonally, detached as it
were from those they are ruling, or those who rule by virtue of being
identified with and who identify with those they are ruling? Who should
prevail, those distinguished from the
many [by expertise or some other distinction], or those who are like, have a
likeness with the many? Who should prevail, the detached and the distant or the
attached and the close ones?
When the
debate is posed this way, it isn’t so easy to say who should prevail, is it? One
reason for this is that it is not as easy to sacrifice “community” as it is to
sacrifice “individualism” for the sake of “government power.” This is not to
say that “government power” is useless or even merely a necessary evil. But it
is to say that a host of questions arise once it is recognized that “government
power” can be detrimental of “community.” It could be said that the mantra,
“That that government is best which governs least,” does not quite hit the
mark. Rather, it should be said “That that government is best which recognizes
and respects community.”
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