Wednesday, August 20, 2014

"Failure" in the Middle East

 An email exchange with a friend.

On Aug 20, 2014, at 11:08 AM, M B wrote:

"The third and final step the US must take upon losing a war is to leave chaos where victory was denied, and attach responsibility for the conflict to a disposable elected politician – in this case US President Barack Obama.  While the war was clearly conceived during the administration of George Bush as early as 2007, it was executed under the watch of Obama.  By attaching responsibility for the conflict to Obama, when his term is up and he passes into the hindsight of history, corporate-financier funded policy makers will have before them a clean slate upon which to begin carrying out the next leg of their continuous agenda"


My response:

Yes, but the outcome, which this presents as a "failure," was not a failure but a success as it was the policy to create chaos, death, and destruction throughout the Middle East, beginning with Iraq and continuing on into Libya and Syria. In this way, the security of Israel is fortified - and the Israelis could then go on tyrannizing the Palestinians while the US pretends to seek a "peace agreement" while never quite able to do so - and the oligarchs could continue to make money - "corporate-financier funded policy makers will have before them a clean slate upon which to begin carrying out the next leg of their continuous agenda."

 Hence, the "responsibility" that is said here to attach to Obama will occasion no repercussions for him or for any politicians who supported and support our continuing wars in the Middle East, despite their apparent futility. I would also imagine the same policy is in place with regard to Afghanistan, chaos, death, and destruction are the ends sought as that justifies further killings and seems to be a way to control the jihadists - as if they really need to be controlled. And regardless of who controls the Senate after this year or who is elected president in 2016, none of this will change. It is an interesting situation.

I have learned to never underestimate the inhumanity of our politicians.

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