at the Moon: America’s Clandestine War
P. Schultz
October 17, 2014
Here is my review of the book Shooting at the Moon: America’s Clandestine
War in Laos, by Roger Warner, published recently on Amazon
By P. Schultz
"An Anti-Federalist" (North Carolina)
This review is from: Shooting
at the Moon: The Story of America's Clandestine War in Laos (Paperback)
This is a well-documented, factually
comprehensive account of the secret war that was waged in Laos as the
non-secret war in Vietnam went on. It is illuminating in a couple of ways.
First, it makes it crystal clear that the Vietnam War was part of a broader war
the United States was waging in Southeast Asia. Focusing on the Vietnam War, as
we Americans tend to do, and for understandable reasons, blurs this fact and,
with it, blurs the militaristic character of what has been labeled "the
Cold War." Perhaps that war was "cold" in Europe, but it was
"hot" in Southeast Asia. Secondly, the title comes from a tradition
in Laos of people actually "shooting at the moon," during lunar
eclipses, because they act as if a huge cosmic frog were eating the moon and
they had to kill it or chase it off. This tradition strikes we more
"civilized" Westerners as just foolish and inane. However, as Roger
Warner shows and concludes, it wasn't only the Laotian who were "shooting
at the moon" futilely, "but all along, it was Americans who had been
shooting at the moon." [p. 381] Warner sees the futility of the American
war in Laos clearly: "The multi tour veterans from the CIA and
USAID...were not cynics. They did not deliberately attach themselves to a
losing cause. They gave willingly of themselves, hoping the help the Laotians
at the same time they helped their own country. The paradox was that even
though they helped run the Laos war for their government, the outcome was the
opposite of what they intended. Somehow, and they didn't know how, events
slipped out of their grasp. In some mysterious way, as the war became
institutionalized, the system they worked for betrayed them and turned the war
inside out." [pp. 380-381]
But what Warner calls "mysterious"
isn't so mysterious if one recognizes that bureaucracies cannot accomplish
certain tasks, like changing "hearts and minds" and winning a
counterinsurgency, at least not without paying an unacceptable price both
monetarily and humanly. That is, as the bureaucratic project
"progresses," the goal seems to retreat into the distance, and the
people in charge must "double down," as it were, leading to ever
greater "exercises of power," to ever more "terror" in order
to try to gain control. So, as the Americans "institutionalized" the
war, "doubled down" with more troops and more fire power,
"events...slipped out of their grasp." And the American effort was as
futile as the Laotian effort of "shooting at the moon."
Roger Warner has done us a service with his book,
"Shooting at the Moon." It should be required reading at West Point,
at the Naval Academy, the Air Force Academy, and especially at the White House.
It won't be, of course; but it should be.
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