Hillary Will Only Make Things Worse
P. Schultz
May 6, 2015
interesting comments from a concerned citizen, Brandy Baker, in the book, Dime’s Worth of Difference: Beyond the
Lesser of Two Evils, edited by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair.
problem is that we have a . . . women’s movement that is not equipped to
address the collective oppression of women who are on the lower rungs of the
economic ladder because the movement restrains itself with blind support for
the Democratic Party . . . . When women only seek to get a seat at the table of
elites for themselves instead of dismantling that table, we get Hillary Clinton
voting for the war in Iraq, Eleanor Smeal thanking Bush for bombing women in
Afghanistan, and an upper middle class feminist movement that helps Democrats
get into office and keeps a two party corporate system in power that hurts, not
helps the majority of women and men in this society.” [Pp. 69 & 70]
election of Hillary Clinton, should that happen, promises no more change from
what is currently transpiring than did the election of her husband in 1992. Again,
from the book cited above, in an article entitled, “The Instructive History of
Jackson’s Rainbow,” by JoAnn Wypijewski:
“By a brisk
accounting of 1993 to 2000, the Black stripe of the Rainbow got the Crime Bill,
women got ‘welfare reform,’ labor got NAFTA, gays and lesbians got the Defense
of Marriage Act. Even with a Democratic Congress in the early years, the peace
crowd got no cuts in the military; unions got no help on the right to organize;
advocates of DC statehood got nothing; the single payer crowd got worse than
nothing. On affirmative action, Jackson had to threaten Clinton privately with
an independent run in 1996 before the president declared the weasalish ‘mend
it, don’t end it.’ Manning Marable points out that between Clinton’s inaugural
and the day he left office, 700,000 more persons were incarcerated, mostly
minorities; today [2004] one in eight black men is barred from voting because
of prison, probation or parole.” [ p. 89]
Hillary’s election, should that happen, many will be all agog over the apparent
transformation of American society from a sexist one to one that will elect a
woman president, just as Obama’s presidency was said to herald the onset of a
“post-racial/racist” society. But just as with Obama’s presidency, which can
hardly be described as marking any kind of transformation from the Bush
presidency and the Clinton presidency, and which seems to be awash in
significant racial unrest created by our current police state, a Hillary
presidency will do nothing but further secure this militarized police state
while also continuing the fleecing of the middle and lower classes, including
of course the fleecing of the women who are members of those classes.
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