Hillary’s “Deplorables”
P. Schultz
Hillary has
claimed she “misspoke” when she asserted that half of Trump’s supporters were
“deplorables,” They are “The racist, sexist, homophobic,
xenophobic, Islamophobic — you name it.” But she only misspoke if we ignore how
her characterization of some of Trump’s supporters is quite consistent
with - and thereby reminds us of – the
origins of what is called “Progressivism.”
Progressive movement began as an effort to “cleanse” or “purify” American
society, an effort that required regulating, managing, and even sterilizing
those people(s) who were threatening the “healthy” people(s), viz., white,
Anglo-Saxon Protestants. The threat was two-fold: First, the healthy people
were in danger of committing was called “race suicide,” and they should, as
Teddy Roosevelt asserted, “Work, fight, breed!” Second, the unhealthy people
had to be controlled as they threatened to overwhelm the healthy people by
winning the “battle of the cradle.” And to win that battle, many Progressives
were led to support eugenics, including Margaret Sanger, the feminist, who
proposed sterilizing entire “disugenic” populations in order to prevent the
birth of “hordes of defectives,” as Teddy Roosevelt’s advisor on “inferior
races” put it. Such thinking culminated in the Supreme Court case of Buck v. Bell, where Justice Holmes, in
upholding Virginia’s compulsory sterilization law, claimed “It is better for
the world if. . . .society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from
continuing their kind….Three generations of imbeciles are enough.”
“defectives” included Jews, Catholics, blacks, the Chinese, etc., etc., etc. As
Roosevelt’s advisor on “inferior races” put it: “You can’t make boy scouts out
of the Jews.” And a Baptist missionary manual claimed that the lower classes
and races were characterized by “Low living, low intelligence, low morality,
low capacity, low everything.” And as one well-known zoologist put it: “the
mixture of two races reverts to the lower type [so] the cross between a white
man and a Negro is a Negro, a white man and a Hindi is a Hindi, and the cross
between any of the three European races and a Jew is a Jew.” [All quotes are
from Hellfire Nation, by James A.
is a dark side to progressivism, a racist, xenophobic, and sexist side, and
Hillary’s use of the word “deplorables,” just like her use of the words “super
predator” to describe “inner city male youths,” should remind us of this fact.
Our national policy of mass incarceration, which received quite a boost from
Bill Clinton, is not an aberration. Rather, it is a policy quite consistent
with a “progressive frame of mind,” one that does not and cannot inoculate its
bearers from racist, xenophobic, or sexist policies because it is, ultimately,
“the other” who threatens us, creating a politics of fear that in turn
facilitates hatred, a hatred that breeds oppression and justifies inhuman
policies like torture, the killing of innocents labeled “collateral damage,” and
endless wars. Remember Roosevelt’s admonition: “Work, fight, breed!”
bottom line? It is not enough for Hillary to say she “misspoke.” She needs to
repudiate her assertion and explain why. But this she will not and cannot do
because it would mean repudiating her progressive politics, and she has no idea
why she or anyone needs to do that.
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