Saturday, February 3, 2018

1992: A Political Fantasy? Really?

1992: A Political Fantasy? Really?
P. Schultz

            For those who have read my book, 1992: A Political Fantasy, I quote the following from the book, The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People, by John Loftus and Mark Aarons. This is their summary of the Iran-Contra story.

“-The abortive British arms to Iran deal of 1984 were buried beneath a massive cover-up, a transatlantic sting operation to protect George Bush’s reputation and smear those who knew the truth. In addition to presenting false evidence to British courts, incriminating files were erased from White House computers and physically removed from the BCCI archives.
- The Israelis were recruited in 1985 as a cover story for continuing the highly illegal Bush-British partnership, which involved buying Communist weapons for the Contras from a PLO agent and Syrian terrorist, Monzer Al-Kassar.
- The Syrian terrorist and drug king Monzer Al-Kassar also became the principal mediator for the release of the American hostages in Iran.
-  What neither Bush nor the British knew was that their secret agent, Al-Kassar, really was working with the Soviets, who had penetrated the Iran-Contra operation as several levels.
-  The American CIA agent, William Buckley, who was told that Bush, Casey, and the British secret service had approved Middle East kidnappings, was tortured to death by Al-Kassar’s accomplices in Syrian intelligence at the same time that Al-Kassar was ‘negotiating’ for Buckley’s release.
-  After Bush became president, Syrian intelligence traded its silence about Iran-Contra, the BCCI, and Buckley in return for a complete reversal of U.S. policy toward Syria. The same Syrian agent and drug lord who tortured Buckley to death was given VIP passage to Washington. So was the Syrian general in charge of negotiating with the Hezbollah terrorists and of approving all drug shipments out of Lebanon.
-  The British and American taxpayers lost billions of dollars from the collapse of BCCI and the unpaid loans to finance Saddam Hussein’s army.
-  The government of Israel became the public scapegoat for the Iran-Contra affair. As a result of the Reagan-Bush administration’s covert tilt toward the Arabs, the Israeli government lost its military superiority, most of its secret networks, and much of its reputation. At the same time, Israel was compelled to stand by helplessly as Iraq bombed their cities during the Gulf War.” [Pp. 461-62]

            It would seem that George H.W. Bush had cause to worry about his possible impeachment should his activities with regard to the Iran-Contra affair come to light, as they might have had Casper Weinberger testified while Bush was still president. Also, Loftus and Marks make clear that another “fall guy” for Bush was “Ollie” North, who was used by the Bush's “inner sanctum” as a guy set up to take the fall should the Iran-Contra activities come to light. Let me add that I knew none of this when I wrote and finished by book, 1992: A Political Fantasy. Trust your imagination. It “knows” more than you might guess.

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