American Politics: The Basics
Peter Schultz
all you need to know about American politics can be gleaned from this quote
from John Ehrlichman, senior aide to Richard Nixon:
“We knew we
couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war [in Vietnam] or black,
but by getting the public to associate hippies with marijuana and blacks with
heroin, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid
their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the
evening news. Did we know we were lying about drugs? Of course we did.”
The trick
to creating an effective government, one that “works,” is to manipulate
people’s passions. What can’t be done directly or visibly, e.g., making it
illegal to oppose a war or to be a minority, can be done indirectly or
invisibly, thereby allowing the government to operate efficiently, effectively.
There is no
need to use what has been called “the bully pulpit;” in fact, secretly
instructing people is far more effective. Visionary leadership may be what a
lot of people claim they want, but secretly, covertly manipulating popular
passions is far more effective. In this way, as Ehrlichman says, it is possible
to vilify on a daily basis those who are opposed to the government’s
policies. Those opposed to the government’s wars can be demonized as druggies,
“hippies,” while minorities will become in the public’s mind “super predators”
ala’ Hillary Clinton or “gang bangers in a hoodie” ala’ Joe Biden.
basically, American politics, American political discourse, such as it is,
revolves around manipulating popular passions. Which popular passions? Well, as
Ehrlichman’s assertion illustrates, the passions being manipulated are those
that lead to vilification and that justify government repression. Nixon, et.
al., labeled this “law and order,” which is quite interesting insofar as he and
his administration were the ones engaging in criminal behavior. But Nixon’s
success also illustrates just how effective manipulating popular passions can
be. “Law and order” is still embraced by most Americans unthinkingly. For who
would or could be against “law and order?”
As a
result, an underlying consensus anchors American politics, gives our politics a
definitive trajectory, and limits our political debates within very narrow
confines. Those who challenge this consensus are marginalized or, as it appears
to many, marginalize themselves. They are not to be taken seriously and if the
people begin to rally to them, they must be made to disappear, banished, much
as Socrates banished the poets near the end of the Republic.