Milk and Cookies Politics: Trump’s Opposition
Peter Schultz
opposition to Trump has now come to embrace what might be called “milk and
cookie politics,” a politics favored by conservatives in the U.S. According to
“milk and cookie politics” the United States is and has been a beacon of
decency, democracy, and diversity that has lit up the world against the forces
of darkness, despair, and dictatorship so prevalent world-wide. The United
States is the exceptional nation.
By this
view, Trump is undermining the rule of law, which has allegedly guided American
politics since 1789. Further, he has and is undermining American democracy,
which has also had an unbroken reign since 1789. And, of course, he has been
behaving indecently as no other president has done since, well, since the
Clinton administration. But that administration has been absolved of its sins,
probably because it gave us mass incarceration, the end of welfare, and the
Defense of Marriage Act.
The interesting
thing about all of this is, however, how Trump’s opposition is now embracing
some of the most common themes of conservatism and this despite the fact that
much of his opposition considers itself liberal. But these liberals are laying
or reinforcing the groundwork of a fortified conservatism, a conservatism that
thoughtlessly embraces bourgeois decency, law and order, deference to all
authority, capitalism, American interventionism (what some call “imperialism”),
and most importantly, embracing what is called American exceptionalism.
But this is
where “milk and cookie politics” always ends up, embracing what is, ultimately,
a vindictive and punitive politics. Currently, this vindictiveness and
punitiveness is directed at Trump and his supporters. But eventually – and maybe
even now – these traits, having been reinforced by the hysteria surrounding
Trump, will be directed at other targets, e.g., those foolish enough to
question “Greta the Great,” Dr. Ford, or the “Me Too” movement. So, far from offering an alternative to Trump’s
vindictiveness, his nastiness, his conservatism, his opponents are actually
reinforcing these traits. Which is a rather interesting situation.
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