The Destruction of Hillary Clinton – And Its Irrelevance
Peter Schultz
I have
recently read the book, The Destruction
of Hillary Clinton: Untangling the Political Forces, Media Culture, and Assault
on Fact That Decided the 2016 Election,” by Susan Bordo. Therein, as the
title indicates, Bordo undertakes to defend Hillary Clinton against what she
argues was a cartoon character version of Hillary that emerged before and
during the presidential election of 2016. This cartoon version of Hillary was
created by Bernie Sanders – who only focused on certain aspects of Hillary’s
politics – by the mainstream media – who seemed according to Bordo to buy into
the prevailing myths about Hillary – by political actors like James Comey – who
did a great deal of damage to Hillary’s campaign with his strange revelations
about Hillary’s emails. The cartoon character Hillary was also embraced by
younger women who, according to Bordo, saw Hillary as a mainstay of the
establishment and too much like their mothers.
The book is
interesting although its greatest fault for me was Bordo’s tendency to present
another cartoon version of Hillary, namely, of an experienced, always honest,
deeply committed, wonderful mother, stand-by-her man woman. Bordo seems at
times almost at a loss for words in explaining how the Hillary she knows and
has followed for some time could be replaced by the “untrustworthy,”
“dishonest,” “insensitive,” and “disingenuous” Hillary that was embraced by
many, otherwise thoughtful and knowledgeable people.
I believe
in large part Bordo’s confusion in this regard stems from the fact that she
does not give enough consideration to Hillary’s politics and what they
represented to many of those who rejected Hillary’s campaign for the
presidency. Put differently, the distrust of Hillary was or reflected a
distrust of “the establishment” and “establishment politics.” And, of course,
this distrust is easily understandable given “The disastrous track record of
the past three decades of neoliberal policy [which] is simply too apparent.” [Klein,
This Changes Everything]
This track
record is why a person like Donald Trump could not only get a hearing from the
American people but also helps explain why he was elected president. Surely Bordo
is correct when she argues that Trump was in many ways far worse than Hillary.
But that doesn’t make Hillary relevant. Given our situation after three decades
of neoliberal politics, saving Hillary from destruction won’t do much of
anything to address this situation. And neither would have electing her
president done much to change, to improve our situation.
briefly, one of Hillary’s alleged virtues according to Bordo, viz., the Clinton
Foundation. As Bordo points out, the foundation was criticized for being used
by other nations to funnel money to the Clintons in hopes that there would be a
payoff after Hillary won the presidency. Of course, it would be simply naïve to
deny that motivations like that were not present for those giving to the
But it also necessary to ask, and
ask seriously: What role does this foundation, or any foundation or
philanthropic project, play in improving in a substantial and long-term way the
current situation where a very few control a lot of wealth while very many have
little or no wealth? It is just too easy to assume, as Bordo does by ignoring
this issue altogether, that the Clinton Foundation is doing anything to change
this inequitable and unjust status quo. That is, for all its apparent good
will, the Clinton Foundation is irrelevant when it comes to reforming what the neoliberals
have created.
And this irrelevance explains a lot
of the opposition to Hillary, for example, from Bernie Sanders and, more
interestingly, from younger women who did not, according to Bordo, appreciate
Hillary and what she has accomplished in her career. But that’s simply because
Hillary’s career and the battles she
fought are no longer relevant to these younger women, who are fighting
different battles, for example, paying off huge college loans that, for the
most part, did not exist when Hillary went to college. Nor when Hillary
graduated college was the unwritten “contract” with employees of corporations
what it is today. I use to tell students that when I got my first job out of
college, with a corporation, no one asked me, ”Did you get benefits?” Then I
would ask them why that question wasn’t asked. The most common answer was,
“Because no one got them.” “No,” I would say. “Because everyone got them!” They
were stunned. That was not their world, just as Hillary’s world, even in the
90s, was not the world of the “Me Too” movement and she could, because it was
more acceptable then, “stand by her man.”
Again, that Hillary has a better
resume than Trump doesn’t make her relevant. Where the nation is now is not
where it was during the Vietnam War or during the Nixon administration. The
issues have changed and the perception was that Hillary’s politics had become,
generally speaking, irrelevant. For me, it is impossible to understand why
Hillary lost to Trump without taking into account the issues that ordinary
Americans are dealing with, economic, social, and political issues and asking
whether or to what degree Hillary was perceived as addressing those issues. In other
words, her politics were more important than her resume. Relying on her resume against Trump, as Bordo
does throughout her book, was not a winning strategy because it was, quite
literally, irrelevant.